New Weapons in The War on Ticks
By John Morgan | Dated February 1, 2019
While there has been a lot of discussion over the use of newer generation tick preventatives lately, we have seen our lowest number of tick cases in over 10 years – 37 in the last 12 months. This is down from 150 in 2014-2015. Obviously there are numerous factors that contribute to this drop but the newer generation of tick and flea preventatives has likely played a massive part in this.
The newest available treatment, which you may not be aware of, is a spot on flea and tick preventative for both dogs and cats that lasts for 6 months in dogs and 3 months in cats.
That’s right – NO MORE TABLETS!
We would love to see the number of tick cases over 12 months drop to zero so please get in touch on 94983000 or ask about these new products at your next visit if you would like to know more.

Nasty little suckers