New Weapons in the War on Tick Paralysis
By Helen Burns | Dated October 7, 2018

Nasty little suckers
As usually happens at this time of year, the vets from Gordon Vet Hospital recently attended seminars given by the leaders in the field of tick paralysis. Whilst the treatment recommendations are in line with the way that we manage tick patients already, there were some interesting statistics from a recent study. One that is of real practical importance was the increased chance of survival for those animals who have a full body clip. None of us like to see our fur babies lose all their fur, however when shaving that fur off is statistically linked to an increased survival rate, perhaps it may make the decision of whether to shave them or not a little easier.
Another exciting recent development is the release of another product in our armoury against ticks. We now have a range of options for tick control that provide long lasting protection against both ticks and fleas. For dogs we have both chewable tablets that last 1 month or 3 months, and a new topical product that lasts 6 months. The real excitement is with cats, where we now have a topical product available that lasts for 3 months.
Please feel free to discuss the options with one of our nurses or vets, so that together we can ensure that your pets are provided with the best protection against ticks this spring.