Naughty and Nice List for pets over the Festive Season
By Helen Burns | Dated December 3, 2018
It’s Christmas time and of course we all want to indulge our fur babies. So, at Gordon Vet we have made a list of those things to avoid, as well as a few tasty suggestions as well!
Nice |
Naughty (Definitely Avoid These) |
Lean turkey or chicken meat | Coffee, alcohol
Dog chocs (which are not chocolate) | Chocolate esp dark chocolate and cooking chocolate, macadamia nuts
Veggies apart from those in the naughty list. | Onions, garlic, chives, leeks
Fill a Kong with mashed potato, steamed chicken and some frozen carrots and peas for a Kong Pot Pie (courtesy of Kong) | Grapes and sultanas (avoid Christmas cake and puddings). Avoid macadamia nuts.
Frozen banana delights courtesy of PAW. Blend together 2 ripe mashed bananas, 3 tbsp peanut butter (xylitol-free), 3 cups low fat yoghurt. Freeze in ice cube trays and enjoy! | Bones, whether cooked or raw.
Avoid fatty table scraps which can lead to pancreatitis. Kebab skewers left lying around with seafood or meat juices on them, seem good enough for any dog to eat. |
Apple and honey pupsicles courtesy of PAW. 340g low fat yoghurt, 1/3 cup pureed apples, 2tbsp peanut butter, 2tbsp honey. Combine ingredients then freeze in an ice block mould. | Lily flowers for cats. Care with tinsel. Crazy cats can get up to all sorts of mischief with tinsel, including eating it.
Chicken pupsicles courtesy of PAW. 1 cup chicken stock (garlic and onion free),1/2 cup water, 40g finely diced cooked chicken, carrot sticks. Combine ingredients and place into ice block moulds. Use carrot stick for the ice block stick. Freeze. | Care with the open front door. While it sounds obvious, when everyone is distracted by arrival of the favourite aunt, take care that your pet doesn’t choose that moment to dash through the door.
And for your feathered family members, avoid stone fruit stones, pear and apple seeds, avocadoes and rhubarb. Also take care to avoid the fumes from Teflon coated cookware as you cook up a storm. |

Imogene letting some pets know they have made the Naughty List.