Joey’s Pet of the Week – Button’s Irritating Ear
By Scott Lackenby | Dated February 19, 2015
Heya everyone! How are you all? It’s been a busy week of rehoming stray animals at GVH. We have found homes for two gorgeous little kittens and now we are working on finding either original owners or new homes for some gorgeous birds. I’ve tried to convince the humans here that what this Pymble Vet clinic cat needs is an army of clinic birds. But I’ve been outvoted. We’ve already re-homed a gorgeous Blue Quaker parrot who was found at Gordon station. We have a young yellow and grey Cockatiel who was found in Linden Ave Pymble. Both of his wings have been clipped, so someone must be missing him. If you know someone who is missing a Cockatiel, please get them to contact us. If we aren’t able to find his original people, he will need a new home. We also have a pretty Lovebird who was found on Galston Rd Hornsby. Like the Cockatiel, we are still trying to locate his/her original people, but if we aren’t able to find them, s/he will need a new family.
I have also been busy brushing up on my training with Maureen, my very dear friend who runs our puppy training classes. Maureen has worked out very quickly that I respond VERY well to food rewards, so I am pleased to say that I am excelling at dog training!!
My star this week is the very gorgeous Button, an 8year old Maltese X Shih Tzu. Button came into us after she had been to see her groomer and she mentioned that Button was unhappy about her ears being touched. When we had a look at Button’s ears, it was discovered that she had an excess of hair growing in her ears, which is common in breeds like Button. This excess hair had trapped a lot of dirt and grime, so we needed to sedate Button and pluck out the excess hair and then we gave her ear a good clean. Button is no stranger to coming to visit us, but she was pretty happy to go home once it was all done!!
Well I’d better go. I need to go and check on my birdie friends. Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll catch you all next week. Meows for now, love Joey xoxo