Who stole the chicken from the bin?
By John Morgan | Dated August 8, 2018
Nurse Janie here. I am going to tell the story of ‘The case of the missing chicken’ and some very naughty dogs. It was like any other day, I woke up while it was still dark and took the dogs for a walk, had breakfast and set off for work. Little did I know that there was a heist plot in the making in my very own home.
I finished work in the afternoon and headed home, ready for another walk with the dogs followed by a quiet night in with Netflix, but my plans were foiled by a scene of destruction on the kitchen floor. There was the garbage from the bin, all over the room. The bin that I had forgotten to take out before I left for work. Sitting right in the middle of the mess was an empty barbequed chicken bag, that until now I knew to have a whole chicken carcass inside it, but not anymore!
As most vet nurses would do, I immediately checked the dogs, who had greeted me at the door as they would on any other day. I felt their tummy’s, checked their temperatures (they were beginning to regret their choice of snack by now) and called the Vet right away.
My partner and I put the dogs in the car and drove straight back to where I have just come from, Gordon Vet Hospital (the dogs were REALLY regretting that snack now!). Dr Imogene checked the two over and took X-Rays of both dogs abdomens, and lucky for them, and me, they seemed to have savored every last bite of the chicken, because they had chewed everything up very well. Ultimately their choice to chew it all up meant that there were no large pieces of bone for them to pass and they were just going to have to skip dinner and go for a long slow walk to help them pass some very big poops!

Rhea and Alfie’s X-Rays post chicken binge

Dr Imogene giving the two naughty dogs a well deserved talking to regarding the dangers of eating cooked bones.