The solution to the hidden talents!
By Helen Burns | Dated March 26, 2018
We had some fantastic guesses to match the hidden talents to the vet or nurse, and some giggles at the impression that we may give regarding our talents ! So, here is the big reveal ……

Sewing is Layne’s hidden talent. She really only started a couple of years ago, but has made us surgical caps with funky animal prints, as well as dresses and bag holders.

Coffee brewing is John’s passion. With 6 different methods of making a cup of coffee at home, he is always buzzing!

Sculpture is what nurse Janie likes to do in her spare time, inspired by her previous life at Taronga Zoo and much time spent caring for wildlife.

With 2 young sons, Angela plays soccer both at home and competitively.

Helen’s teenage children can beat her at most things these days, however not at board games!

Nicole is our resident cake baker and decorator. We all love it when she arrives on a Monday morning with leftovers. Mmmmm

We only just discovered that our ward nurse Olivia is a real artist. We now have her drawing of Joey proudly hanging on the wall in our consulting room.

Scrapbooking is what our receptionist Laura likes to do in her spare time.

And the trickiest of all to guess! Hollie’s family raises deer.