Bugs’ Wild Adventure
By John Morgan | Dated October 9, 2021 | 0 Comments
Bugs was adopted by his owners as a kitten and settled right in. He was named after Bugs Bunny because he was born without a tail. Unfortunately, when he was […]
By Scott Lackenby | Dated April 13, 2016
Hey gang! How are you all? I’ve been keeping out of mischief this week. Don’t sound so surprised, I am the best clinic cat around! I have decided I am very mad at Dr John. He has gone away and still hasn’t sent me a post card AND he was away for his birthday which meant I didn’t get to have cake! All in all, pretty selfish of him. There better be some amazing postcards and even better presents for me when he gets back!!
My star this week is the gorgeous Miss Lara, an almost 2year old Bulldog cross from Pymble. Lara came in one Sunday and saw Dr David Owen after she had been vomiting for a few days. Lara was off her food and was only drinking small amounts of water. Dr David had a good feel of Lara’s tummy and couldn’t feel anything that felt like a foreign body, Lara’s temperature was normal and she wasn’t dehydrated. Dr David sent Lara home with some medication to help stop the vomiting and a special antibiotic that helps with tummy infections and advised she needed a bland diet for a few days. Dr David told Lara’s Dad to bring her back if she wasn’t feeling better.
Lara’s Dad brought her back on the Tuesday when she was no better. Dr Sam Lackenby examined Lara and found that her tummy was now tense and her intestines felt thickened. Dr Sam admitted Lara for a blood test, IV fluids and an Xray of her tummy to see what was going on. Lara’s blood test showed that she was dehydrated and the Xray showed a build of gas in her stomach. Dr Sam couldn’t see an obvious foreign body, but soft things, like material and rope toys, which Lara’s Dad said they seemed to be missing at home, don’t show up on an Xray. If Lara was no better after a night on IV fluids, she would need an ultrasound in the morning.
Lara was no better in the morning, so Dr David Loneragan performed an ultrasound. There was definitely something causing a blockage in Lara’a stomach. Lara needed surgery to have the foreign body removed. Dr Sam performed the surgery and removed a 10cm piece of rope!
Now, this is a big surgery and Lara was given lots of antibiotics and pain relief as part of her recovery. Once she was awake, she was a little bit sad and didn’t want to walk, but Dr Sam was happy with her recovery so far.
The next morning, Lara was a little brighter. She walked down the driveway to the grass and her temperature was normal. She was still having a small vomit when she walked, which is not uncommon after the surgery Lara had. She was given medication to help stop her from feeling nauseas. Lara’s Dad came in for a visit, and was happy that she was looking happier.
The next day, Lara was brighter again but still having the odd vomit. Her repeat blood tests were good, her hydration levels were good, her temperature was normal and her stomach wasn’t sore. Dr Sam believed that the vomiting was a result of Lara being unwell for a few days before the surgery was performed. She spoke to Lara’s Dad and they decided that Lara would be happier at home and he would make sure that Lara got all her medications, rested a lot and only ate small amounts of a special tinned food. Dr Sam also asked Lara’s Dad to bring her back the next day for a recheck.
When Lara’s Dad brought her back the following day for a recheck, we were all happy with how she was. She was brighter, she had eaten, taken her medication and had even had a small walk around the yard with her canine sister! Lara was definitely on the road to recovery!!
Well, better go. Hope you all have a great rest of the week and an amazing weekend. Catch you all next week. Meows for now, love Joey xoxo
PS – Dr John, if you are reading this, I’m waiting (im)patiently for my postcard…..