Cujo’s Fractured Ankle
By Helen Burns | Dated June 29, 2018
Cujo the boxer cross dog couldn’t be further from his namesake, a rabid dog from a Stephen King novel. He is very bright, happy, and overtly friendly. In fact, he’s a hard dog to keep down. This is unfortunate for Cujo, who needs to keep calm and quiet for 4 weeks while his broken leg heals.
A few weeks ago, Cujo was on a walk with his owner when he stepped out in front of a car, which clipped his leg. Unfortunately the trauma fractured his medial tibial malleolus (the bone that is most prominent on the inside of your ankle). To further complicate matters, the medial ligaments attach to the broken fragment, which stabilize the ankle joint. With an unstable ankle, and a young energetic dog, this was a fracture repair for a specialist orthopaedic surgeon.

You can see the hardware that has been placed to reduce the fracture
Cujo’s owners were keen to do everything they could for him, so the surgeon came to Gordon Vet and repaired the fracture. It all went very well, and post operatively Cujo has a half cast on his leg for 4 weeks. He is being kept calm and quiet (with the help of medication), and all is going well. We bet he can’t wait to be back out there running around again.
Not long to go now Cujo!!