Chocolate Toxicity Calculator
Chocolate toxicity occurs if your dog (or rarely cat) has eaten enough of the toxic components of chocolate (theobromine and caffeine) to cause symptoms. Some early symptoms of chocolate toxicity include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Tremoring
- Seizuring
- Panting
- Restlessness
Because pets don’t often know their limits for such delicious treats, we commonly have to treat chocolate toxicity at Gordon Vet. These pets will often require hospitalisation to induce vomiting to expel as much chocolate as possible and administer activated charcoal to reduce the impact of the ingested chocolate. In severe cases fluid therapy and anticonvulsants may need to be given to help pets recover. Left untreated or with ingestion of high amounts of dark chocolate, this condition can be fatal. Chocolate toxicity is more common around Easter or Christmas due to the higher amount of chocolate available in the household.
We have provided the calculator below to help determine how urgent treatment is. If your dog has eaten chocolate, the below calculator can tell you whether an emergency vet visit to Gordon Vet Hospital is required. This calculator is a guide only and if your pet is showing any of the symptoms listed above please call Gordon Vet on 94983000 immediately.
To determine if your dog has consumed a toxic amount of chocolate please enter the requested below and click “Calculate”:
If veterinary treatment is needed based on the above calculator please call Gordon Vet on 94983000 to speak to one of our staff immediately.
Please be advised the above chocolate toxicity calculator does not replace veterinary advice. If you are unsure if your pet needs treatment call 94983000.
For any non-urgent appointments, please click here to book online.