Until 31st March 2025 get a free veterinary arthritis assessment AND 25% off the first 3 arthritis relief injections for dogs and cats (1 injection lasts for 1 month).
Call our team on 94983000 to get a personalised estimate for your dog or cat. Want to book online right away? Select the promotion from our online booking page.
You can also submit your details using the form below to receive a personalised cost estimate for your dog or cat by email.

Arthritis is the most common disease affecting middle aged or older dogs and cats, it can even affect younger pets. Arthritis causes chronic pain and reduces your pet’s mobility and quality of life. While the symptoms of arthritis can be difficult to spot, the earlier we diagnose, the more successfully we can treat you pet and restore their quality of life.
This March we are offering free veterinary arthritis assessments to help identify if your pet is impacted. We are also offering 25% off the first 3 monthly injections of a revolutionary new arthritis treatment: Beransa for dogs and Solensia for cats. These monthly injections may help your pet live pain free, with more mobility and a better quality of life! These revolutionary treatment use monoclonal antibodies to target the pain at the site without some of the side effects we see with other arthritis treatments. They also don’t require regular blood testing for monitoring.
If you have any questions about this promotion feel free to call 94983000 or use our online form below to receive an email. Otherwise you can book online to see one of our vets.
*Please be advised this promotion is not available for pets that have received one or more Beransa or Solensia injections at Gordon Vet Hospital.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis (Osteoarthritis) or Degenerative Arthritis is the inflammation of join. It leads to the loss of cartilage and painful, swollen joints.
What signs of arthritis should I look for?
- Lameness/stiffness: Your pet might limp on one or more legs, depending on which joints are arthritic.
- Difficulty moving: Your pet may become reluctant to do things that were previously easy. For instance, climbing stairs or getting in and out of the car.
- Lethargy: Your pet may tire more easily and spend more time resting and sleeping. Dog walks become shorter.
- Irritability: Arthritic animals can become irritable. They may snap or bite when handled, particularly if the handling is in a sore part of their body.
- Licking, chewing, and biting: Pets affected with arthritis often lick, chew, or bite at sore joints. THis can lead to inflamed skin (wounds) and hair loss over affected areas.
Where does arthritis affect most pets?
- Feet
- Knees
- Elbows
- Hips
- Shoulder
- Back
- Neck