Joey’s Pet of the Week – Henry’s Klicky Knee Part 1
By Scott Lackenby | Dated January 29, 2015
Hello everyone! How have you all been? Did all the kids who started school this week enjoy themselves? It’s certainly quiter at GVH with less kiddies around. But it will be school holidays again before we know and then all my little friends will be back. I especially like when I have lots of visitors when we have yucky wet weather like we have been having. Wet weather makes this Pymble Vet clinic cat SUPER grumpy!!
This week, I get to tell you about not only a special dog but a special Vet that comes in to work with us from time to time. As most of you will know, Dr Chris Boulton had to leave us due to ill health. While personally we miss having Dr Chris around, me especially as he used to let me eat human biscuits even when I was on a diet, but Dr

Hiding from the stormy weather

Henry and Nurse Amy

Nurse Amy and Nurse Hollie start getting Henry prepped for surgery

Nurse Hollie starts clipping Henry’s leg for surgery….

…When we discovered Henry’s nasty skin infection. We will do Henry’s surgery once his skin is better.
Chris handled the majority of our major surgeries, so we are also missing him on a professional level. Luckily for us, we have been able to get Dr Eugene Boffa from Consulting Animal Specialists to come in and help us out. Dr Boffa is an Australian Registered Specialist Small Animal Surgeon and runs a consulting service where if needed, your pet can have a specialized surgeon, like you would see at a specialist centre, but in the familiar surroundings of GVH. This worked out well for my star this week. Henry, a 10month old Golden Retriever, came in to see Dr John Morgan after his family noticed he was limping, and it was worse after he exercised. After a thorough examination, Dr John was suspicious that Henry had damaged his knee. Henry would need to come back to be sedated and have some xrays on his knee. Henry came back for the xrays and this confirmed that Henry had indeed damaged his knee. This type of injury needs surgery to fix it, but because Henry is still a growing Puppy, it makes it a trickier surgery. So Dr John spoke to both Henry’s parents and Dr Boffa and it was decided that Dr Boffa would come and perform the surgery here at GVH. And that’s what we had planned on doing today. Except when Henry was examined as part of his pre – anesthetic check, we discovered that Henry has a nasty skin infection which means Dr Boffa won’t be able to do the surgery until that clears up. When there is already a skin infection, there is a greater risk of infection of the surgical site. So Henry will be going home with some antibiotics,(and a shaved leg!), and we’ll get Henry and Dr Boffa back once Henry’s skin infection is all cleared up. I’ll bring you the rest of Henry’s story when he comes back in.
Well, better go. Next week I’ll be doing Staff Member of the Month. The person I’ll be profiling is the longest standing staff member at GVH and ALWAYS shares their lunch with me! Meows for now, love Joey xoxo