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internal medicine

内科是对内脏器官疾病的诊断而非外科手术治疗。 这是一个微妙而复杂的学科,需要大量的知识和经验,更不用说耐心和辩证的思维了。

在高登动物医院,专业的内科知识是我们为住院病患服务工作的基础。 我们的两位兽医合伙人是澳大利亚兽医科学家学院的小动物(犬科动物和猫科动物)或猫科动物医学成员,具体如下:

  • David Loneragan(猫科医学)
  • Scott Lackenby(犬科和猫科医学)


在准备有效治疗的前后,准确的诊断至关重要。 这得靠宠物住院期间或几次来访期间执行的一系列诊断测试。 测试通常是非侵入性的,但是有的需要全身麻醉或镇静剂的注射,列于如下。

  • 造影
  • 超声波
  • 内镜
  • 活检
  • 真菌或细菌等生物体的培养
  • 显微镜透析
  • 血液测试,如器官分析,血液计数,凝血分析和血气分析
  • 尿液测试
  • 电子测试,如血压测量,氧气和二氧化碳水平



心血管疾病在我们的老迈的宠物(或者不大老的)中是很常见的,就像人类一样。最常见的综合征是由许多心脏疾病引起的充血性心力衰竭。 宠物也可能有心肌炎和心脏节奏紊乱以及先天性疾病(先天缺陷)。 心丝虫病在我们这个地区是非常罕见,归功于高比例预防性用药,比如年度注射Proheart。


许多狗被诊断为心脏杂音,特别是逐渐长大的小型狗只。 通常在初诊时,心脏杂音是亚临床的(不会引起任何临床症状)。 心脏杂音不一定意味着心脏衰竭。 但是,通常经过数年的缓慢发展,严重的心脏杂音可能会导致心力衰竭。 因此每年进行一次宠物的健康检查非常重要,你的兽医可以监测出每次检查的杂音严重程度。


打喷嚏,鼻涕,咳嗽,喘息或呼吸吵杂和呼吸困难都是呼吸系统疾病和其他动物身体系统疾病的征兆。许多小狗生来患有咽喉和鼻子阻塞性疾病,应该尽早检查诊断以避免造成他们终生的损害。 呼吸困难可能是被蜱虫麻痹和其他问题引起 – 你应保持宠物的冷静,立即带他们来接受检查。


对于常规治疗无效的呼吸系统疾病,通常建议对宠物采取X胸透(X光)检测,以使我们观察胸部的成像。 通常,这需要对宠物打镇静下来进行(取决于宠物)。
点击这里   了解更多关于诊断成像。


动物有胃和肠疾病是非常普遍的。 呕吐,腹泻,过度上厕所或者刚吃完食物是最常见的症状。 病毒感染和寄生虫是狗突出的问题,因为他们容易吃了不应该的东西和喝脏水。 宠物也容易被卡住喉咙(骨头,玉米棒和各种奇怪的东西!),得炎症和癌症,肝脏和胰腺疾病也很常见,尤其是一种称为胰腺炎的疾病。


这是狗的胰脏器官(负责产生消化酶)的炎症。 当胰腺发炎时,这些酶在胰腺内而不是在消化道内被激活,这会引起腹膜炎(整个腹腔的炎症)。 常见的是,患病的动物腹部酸软,腹部疼痛,伴随急性呕吐。 胰腺炎是危及生命的疾病,具有这些症状的动物需要急忙联系兽医和住院治疗。 在某些情况下,胰腺炎是狗的消化道根本无法处理摄取的脂肪(如培根)的结果。 正是出于这些原因,我们建议狗狗保持一个相当连贯一致的饮食设计的狗,如Hills Science Diet。


肾脏衰竭在老年猫中非常常见,是一种慢性,危及生命的疾病,会引起许多其他问题,如高血压,贫血和电解质(血盐)的变化。 宠物也容易患膀胱炎,就像人类患病一样的痛苦,这会引起病毒感染,膀胱结石和更多严重疾病。 少数动物会出现卵巢,子宫和前列腺等问题,因为大多数的宠物都被结扎了。


慢性肾功能衰竭(肾功能衰竭)的症状通常是过度口渴和过度排尿伴随体重减少。 如果您怀疑您的宠物可能有肾功能衰竭,可以进行血液和尿液检测来确认。 请带上宠物的尿液样本来咨询,如果需要的话,我们也可以为你收集尿样。 高血压通常伴随肾功能衰竭而产生,它可以加剧宠物的肾功能衰竭,所以你的兽医可能会建议检查宠物血压。 在大多数情况下,肾功能衰竭不能治愈,但可以通过不同的药物,饮食和生活方式的改变来改善宠物生活质量。




狗患有糖尿病和库欣综合征(过度活跃的肾上腺)是相当普遍的。 肥胖的猫也常见患有糖尿病。 甲状腺功能亢进症(甲状腺功能亢进)是在老年猫中发现的最常见的问题之一。

这类疾病的早期征兆包括过度口渴,尿频和体重减轻。 与人类相似,我们可以控制并在某些情况下扭转这些病情。


糖尿病是胰岛素不足(I型)或胰岛素低阻(II型)。 在某些情况下,狗得病的原因可能是由慢性胰腺炎引起的,但在大多数情况下,糖尿病产生原因没有确切的解释。 肥胖(尤其是缅甸猫)已被证明是猫得到II型糖尿病的易感因素。

糖尿病的症状包括过度口渴,排尿过多,有时会发生白内障(后期)。 体重减轻往往是狗患有糖尿病的特点 ,但猫不一定。 如果您注意到宠物有任何这些迹象,请进行咨询,我们能够通过血液检查立即诊断。 就像人类一样,胰岛素注射得越早越好。

可能宠物主人担心如何给你的宠物注射。 然而,在大多数情况下,在教导和多次练习之后,宠物主能自然掌握注射技能。 通常,注射的针头非常小,你的宠物甚至不会注意到他或她正在打针!


甲状腺疾病在猫和狗中都很常见。 在老年猫中,我们看到甲状腺机能亢进(甲状腺功能亢进),症状包括食欲过盛但体重无法增加,偶尔失明(继发于高血压)。 甲状腺功能亢进的猫也可能会喜怒无常。

甲状腺功能减退(甲状腺功能减退)的狗很常见。 症状包括嗜睡,脱发(或被剪断后毛发生长不良)和肥胖。 不幸的是,如果狗只患有其他疾病中 ,甲状腺水平会较低,这会混淆诊断。 在这些情况下,我们通常需要进行更多的检查,以明确甲状腺疾病是最显著的还是由另一种疾病引起的并发症。


请参阅我们的部分癌症医学 。

Gordon Vet Hospital
Based on 168 reviews
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Wendy Lee
Wendy Lee
11:53 27 Nov 21
I've been taking my cat to Gordon Vet since she was a kitten. Every vet we've seen have been wonderful and have provided the best service and advice. They're very thorough and will always make sure that your pet feels comfortable. The receptionists are super friendly and the online booking system is easy to use!
Jonathan Nix
Jonathan Nix
04:39 24 Nov 21
Really friendly and helpful team. Patient and thoughtful responses to my questions were greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Michelle mccaffrey
Michelle mccaffrey
07:20 07 Nov 21
Recently visited with our little cat on a late sunday morning. We called in just before they were due to close & they were happy to stay back and check over our cat so we didn't have to run to the emergency vet. DR Helen was incredibly kind and professional. She eased our worries & treated the medical issue with our cat. I feel very confident bringing our cat into see any DR at Gordon Vet Hospital as I know each staff member is genuinely caring and passionate about helping animals.
05:42 06 Oct 21
We looked for the vet with the least amount of 1-star ratings in our local area. To our surprise there are a lot of shocking reviews out there for vet clinics. Gordon Vet Hospital had the best rating by a long shot.So we called first thing yesterday morning and managed to get a booking pretty early in the morning for our cat whose condition was getting rapidly worse.Everything about our experience was lovely. From the empathetic receptionist, to the vet who is taking care of our cat who has kept us informed twice a day about her condition and took the time to answer all our questions.The cost estimate was given up-front and was very reasonable compared to every other practice.We couldn't be happier.-M
Sigrid Boehme (Siggy)
Sigrid Boehme (Siggy)
23:12 04 Oct 21
Really good with dealing with Covid by inviting patients to stay outside and they come to you. They have lots of people helping out. The only thing is that it is quite expensive compared to other vets.
Kathrin Rac
Kathrin Rac
09:22 12 Sep 21
Dr Catherine Chen is amazing and the only vet I trust with my three cavalier girls. Other vets have always been judgemental, but Catherine listens and works with you to come to a compromise to what is best for my girls going forward. Last time my tri went in to have a dental and she was completely happy to be there even went back in with the nurse wagging her tail while we were waiting outside! We even drive the distance since moving as we completely value Catherine's skill, expertise and manner.
Daniel Lister
Daniel Lister
10:42 01 Sep 21
Not that the dog is always entirely happy to go there, though they run a great operation with some. Convenient, clean and very communicative. Never do I doubt that the staff their live working with animals.
Vicki Libbesson
Vicki Libbesson
00:47 10 Aug 21
Always fabulous service from very friendly, approachable and very knowledgeable vets and nurses. David, Scott and the team have been our pets' chosen vet practice for 32 years ! Thank you all for helping us through the sad times and all of the good times as well.Highly recommended !
Olivia Pitt
Olivia Pitt
23:26 25 Jul 21
Highly impressed with the quality of service. Definitely recommend, easy and efficient + very thorough & good value. Thank you 😊
10:48 22 Jun 21
First time going to Gordon Vet Hospital with my little pooch. Parking was fairly easy. The front staff very friendly. We had Vet Dr Imogene who showed genuine interest in my pooch & was very knowledgeable when asked alot of questions. Dr Imogene made us feel that we could trust her to do what is best for our pooch. Very happy to go back.Price point - they would be slightly on the higher side.A good place for your best friend 🐶
Bridget Peachey
Bridget Peachey
05:12 17 Jun 21
Thanks to all the team at the Gordon Vet Hospital. I transferred my dogs here a couple of year's ago from another local vet clinic as a quote for some oral work was significantly cheaper and have never regretted it. Not only good value, but excellent care, great follow up and support and my two dogs love the free liver treats - making the visits a positive experience.
Jenny Wilson
Jenny Wilson
01:18 08 Jun 21
They are the most understanding and caring group of people I have met. After my dog had to be put to sleep a sympathy card was sent with her paw prints and bit of hair attached and beautiful words of sympathy. A lovely thought. I would recommend this practice to anyone.
Matthew Rajchert
Matthew Rajchert
23:29 19 Apr 21
Even though we only use Gordon Vets, we think they are the best. Amazing staff show true passion for your pets wellbeing and even though the location is out of the way it is 100% worth it. I highly recommend this Vet to everyone.
Taylor Fezai
Taylor Fezai
04:42 17 Apr 21
The vets are knowledgeable and friendly. Highly recommend!
06:31 27 Mar 21
Nice location, plenty of parking slots!We had a general health check and Dr Lackenby is very kind and helpful! Will definitely come back to this practice next time!
Jemma Sully-Harries
Jemma Sully-Harries
03:18 18 Mar 21
My family and pets have always had a great experience here and the reception staff is always very nice, helpful and knowledgeable. Recently my puppy was sick and Dr David Loneragan helped us out and was easily accessible to me. We will definitely be coming back here next time!
Liza Fincham
Liza Fincham
05:30 11 Mar 21
Staff are so friendly and they take any injured animals
Robyn King
Robyn King
02:57 04 Feb 21
My family and I have lived in the area for over 30 years and we have never been to any other practice. The care and compassion the vets have shown towards our babies has always been of the highest standard. I would particularly like to thank Dr Coggins for the care and compassion she has shown towards me in recent months with Salem (who unfortunately was PTS this past Sunday) and also with Lilah. This practice has a real gem in her!
Hana Yoon
Hana Yoon
08:43 14 Jan 21
I’ve been taking my dog to this vet for 7 years and they’ve always been so kind, professional and empathetic. They’ve always been able to fit him in, even in emergency situations so I’m very grateful!
Colin Pannell
Colin Pannell
23:26 07 Dec 20
Well it's never nice to have to take your beloved pet(s) to the vets but sometimes you just have to. Gordon Vets are similarly priced to others in this locale but they are well organised, off street parking and the vets are compassionate about the care of animals. Even separate entrances for dogs and cats ! See attached photo. Educated, literate cats queue up outside (ir's actually the practice's resident cat).
John Hannelly
John Hannelly
03:04 09 Nov 20
David and all the staff are wonderful, caring people who really look after your loved pets in a very professional manner.
Chris Chappel
Chris Chappel
00:54 31 Oct 20
Extremely happy with Imogen and the team. I had lost ALL faith in vets after going to GreenCross.Thankfully Gordon Vet Hospital surpassed all our hopes and expectations. Imogen was incredibly caring, clinically competent and finally solved the issue our cat had.The vet nurses and reception team seemed genuinely happy and were super friendly each time we’ve returned. Follow up care after the surgery for our cat was like night and day compared to what we’d been through at our old vet. Unlike at GreenCross where the final price always ended up being at the top of the quoted range, at Gordon Vet Hospital the quote was far more reasonable and the price ended up at the lower end of the estimate. Highly recommended this vet.
Lisa Elliott
Lisa Elliott
06:17 20 Oct 20
I can't rate Gordon Vet Hospital any higher. I took my 11yr old staffy in for surgery with the beautiful Imogene Ewen (amazing surgeon) and was managed by incredibly professional front office staff (Maddie). My dog, Coco was in the best of hands. The after care service is detailed and their love of animals is so very clear to all who enter. Exceptional service for the North Shore.
Jonathan Summers
Jonathan Summers
09:51 09 Oct 20
We love these guys. We have 3 cats and they are all well looked after.
jo kleoudis
jo kleoudis
22:08 04 Oct 20
Best vets and nursing staff. Great advice. Convenient and always easy to book.
Roopam Ghosh
Roopam Ghosh
10:49 25 Sep 20
Great service and very prompt with appointments. Lovely staff
Michelle Keir
Michelle Keir
08:30 01 Sep 20
Great service my dog loves going there! The staff are very caring and the vets very knowledgeable and do not over service.
Ayanthi Gooneratne
Ayanthi Gooneratne
06:22 24 Aug 20
The Vets are fantastic and so are the support staff.My dogs have been with Gorden Vets for over 10 years.
Steve Walker
Steve Walker
11:33 11 Aug 20
Helen was great. Took great care of our dog.
Eve Barratt
Eve Barratt
01:17 04 Aug 20
I took our little girl Coco for her very first vet visit yesterday. Dr Helen gave Coco a thoroughly check-up and provided me with useful information as the first time puppy owner. Coco is now enrolled in the puppy school and will return back for her 2nd vaccine in a couple of week!
Claire Turner
Claire Turner
05:21 19 Jul 20
Care & attention for your furry friends second to none.
02:50 09 Jul 20
Dr David and the team have provided real care, support and expertise for our furry family members over 25 years. They've also readily taken in injured wildlife. A great team of Vets and nurses - thanks for all you do!
Jayna Hirani
Jayna Hirani
03:43 09 Apr 20
Quality care and advice at every visit. The staff are friendly and informative and genuinely care about your pets. I am 100% confident that my cat and dog always receive the best pet healthcare and as pet parents that's all we want.
Marianne Broeng
Marianne Broeng
23:23 28 Jan 20
Gordon Vet has looked after my golden retriever since she was 9 weeks. Everyone has been amazing and caring with lots of experience. I have been able to ask any questions and always been welcome.Even one day when she stepped on a bee in the evening, they stayed open until we got there and helped her get it out.Thanks to all the staff :-)
Lizzie Wei
Lizzie Wei
00:56 18 Jan 20
We just moved to Gordon couple month ago and need to get my cat vaccinated. We found this hospital through google and I need to say they provide excellent service and very professional! The doctor really knows cat. Highly recommended!
Lara Bisley
Lara Bisley
08:15 27 Nov 19
Exceptional veterinary hospital. I have been taking my dog here for many years and although I now live in the Eastern Suburbs, I still drive across town to see the Vets at Gordon. The staff are highly skilled, compassionate, friendly and helpful. My 9 year old dog has had 2 knee operations (1 on each knee!) and the outcome of these surgeries far exceeded my expectations. I have been incredibly impressed with the care provided during all of our visits. I would highly recommend Gordon Vet Hospital.
Eugenie Goodyer
Eugenie Goodyer
23:22 21 Oct 19
Very friendly staff. Wonderful care for all our animals A++
Jennie Keogh
Jennie Keogh
06:36 21 Oct 19
Fantastic and friendly staff who you can tell really care about your pet. Their follow up service is also very reassuring. I also board my cat with Gordon Vet and I feel very comfortable to know he's in safe and caring hands. I'm so glad I found this clinic.
Newsha Amiri
Newsha Amiri
20:24 03 Oct 19
We took our dog there and Dr. David take care of his skin issues. he was so caring and professional.
Luxe Sydney Mum
Luxe Sydney Mum
06:37 02 Sep 19
Compassionate, caring and highly skilled veterinary surgeons who treat their patients and owners with respect. The nursing and administration staff are efficient and remember their patients by name which is a lovely touch. A lovely vet practice which despite our Golden Retriever Finn’s complex medical history, is always welcoming to him and he never displays any signs of anxiety when attending. Dr Helen is lovely and a firm favourite of ours!
Lihong Xing
Lihong Xing
05:00 05 Nov 18
Highly recommend Dr David, Scott, Helen, and Catherine, I've taken my cat to see all the doctors here.
Jeremy Tarbox
Jeremy Tarbox
22:55 10 Sep 18
We found a stray, agitated dog in front of our house last night. We phoned but got no help from the Council ranger who gave two options: tie him up in front yard overnight or "let him loose, he'll find his own way home" :( So we phoned Gordon Vet: they stayed open a few minutes so we could run him up and he could have a bed and dinner. Thank you Gordon Vet Hospital, hope he gets home soon!!! :)
Vishal Kapoor
Vishal Kapoor
01:52 04 Sep 18
Really amazing staff members. Their systems and processes are also very
Gerry Stevens
Gerry Stevens
11:01 14 Jul 18
Good competant vet. Did what I needed. Staff friendly. Cat's well.
Arezu A
Arezu A
03:20 15 Feb 18
Absolutely love the service here. I switched from other Vets to this Vet as the staff here are quite attentive and really care about your furry baby! I have basically seen most of the Dr's here and all of them so far have been fantastic, friendly and fun to speak with! Easy to locate and enough parking available! 5 Stars indeed!
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