Tail of the Dangling Doggy Delimma
By Kay Hisano | Dated October 16, 2023
It’s to no surprise that many come into the clinic having ingested all sorts of foreign objects ranging from socks, hair ties, and kids toys. Earlier this month we got a call from Ash’s owner that their cheeky 11-week-old Golden Retriever has a string hanging out from his bottom.
When Ash walked in he indeed had a piece of string hanging from his bottom, acting like a second tail. With some sedation and lots of lubricant, Dr. Scott very gently pulled out about a 30 cm-long string. It was a gift that kept giving. The string appeared to be from a mop and had some small rubber material attached to it.
Foreign materials can often cause obstructions for our furry friends and can lead to emergency surgery. Ash was a very lucky boy who was able to pass it this time, but let’s hope he doesn’t get into anything in the near future again.
If you are ever in a similar situation and notice anything hanging from your pet’s bottom, bring them to the vet as pulling them forcefully can cause irritation or laceration to the colon.

Ash and his string